Why I choose to do more

Cody Bunnell
3 min readDec 2, 2020

By: Cody Bunnell (Code_Rad)


Why I would NOT trade my time in the valley/mountains for a life in the city.

Somethings I will not do. Somethings I will do.

Sometimes you have to say no and actually stop and redirect yourself out of the situation.

Sophie & Code | “Finding Her Path Leaving A Trail” 2020 Summer

The Other Day Ago… Behind The View-port

I installed this program via the console. I wanted to fly the universe. I enjoyed the given time and found the space to be universally epic and throughout what feels like an epoch or 1ms I think about where my life will lead me and I try my best to make a strategy to overcome the next obstacle that will come my way because I know change is constant fact one of the only constants in life.

Step 1 — Alfa-*

I focus in the moment and enjoy the hot summer nights and snowy winters in the valley, these mountains have to offer me. I work on small projects that I have big dreams for and I am currently developing a strategy for a positive outcome and overall successful ending.

Step 2 — Bravo-*

Being with friends is important not only for work but for my sanity I hate being alone I mean It is OK. For a little while but after a while its not fun I need more fun in my life there is a lot of time left to fill. You never really know how much time is really left overall.

Step 3 — Delta-*

What is important is that the people whom are in your life know that you care about them and that you have a positive lasting memory. However if you need to fix something feel free to do so and then continue onward to what is next and try your best to overcome the struggles within life.

The Looping Chapter — Repeating words

Running around trying to make the right moves and figure something out in terms of making my life better and more optimized. I awoke what felt like a dream doing the same things over and over again for an undefined amount of time. Wishing and wanting more to be able to change to adapt to adopt new habits and form better relationships for the LTR.

Why I Choose Right

Understanding I found it now is the time I practice what is right in my life.

Finding Those Good Words

Using the right words to make a positive impact in the way of expression things change that's just the way it is and things wont remain the same. This might be the only draft but hey at least you heard from me for a little while.

Work / Job Request

I would like to work on a meaningful project making an impact and creating worth while change within the network group and activity's. Giving back to the society through unique and individualized project development training or simply what can I help with.

Connecting with the Future

If you must. Don’t be evil. Come willing to change. given our space and granted our time here on Earth I find it funny that people look forward to promises of something better having the faith that everything is going to work out in the end but it is going to take not only work but that shift within the mind to accept all this new stuff. These options will allow for a better standard of living and the provided ability and availability to make positive impacts this could include having the money to make the choices have the options and spend the time doing.

Going Beyond Notes

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Follow / Like / Share — Helps more than you know, It feels good to get feedback on the ideas / work a person does. For me this is my life and everything must get better that’s just what needs to happen. — Code_rad

